Exponential Growth
Leverage time, resources and learning curves to help your school achieve PEAK PERFORMANCE.
Do you have a school culture...
Where employees consistently show up with a common mission?
Where students and teachers engaged and empowered to support the mission?
Where students achieve their peak performance and graduate ready for college or careers?
As school improvement specialists, we provide you a framework to help create a school where growth, culture, innovation, and peak academic performance will allow students a competitive edge as they leave school.

I AM Shelly Hoerer
I am passionate about education! As a child I struggled to read. In third grade I attended a new school and received extra reading support. It made a major difference in the trajectory of my education, how I could read and my feelings about school and learning! My journey is a testament to education, the power of support and how a school can greatly impact the long-term outcomes of a student!
Leveraging My Personal Experience And The School Improvement Framework

Step 1 Identify Experts
Every organization has emerging experts within. Many times, individuals are scared to share their expertise and skills, often induced by past negative experiences. However, once identified, we help grow these experts and articulate their unique knowledge and skills for the growth and success of the entire school.
Step 2 Leverage Teamwork
By harnessing the knowledge and skills of experts within the building, we start to work together to identify areas of strength and address opportunities for growth.
Step 3 Narrow Your Focus
If you focus on everything you focus on nothing! We work to identify the most powerful practices to change. What will cause the greatest impact! Step by step we work through our new focus areas until we have caused large-scale change.
Step 4 Communicate the Positive
Harnessing the power of identified experts and the focus of work, start to communicate with others the vision and effectively communicate the positive stories as the work is being done.
Step 5 Trust the Process
You can create radical results when you trust the process. When we are working through a change process, often at first change can seem difficult! Executing the process to achieve the growth and results you desire isn’t really HARD, it just feels hard because it’s new. Nobody will claim that school improvement is easy! The good news is, we have a structure in place to help embrace change and facilitate your growth with less pain, frustration and stagnation!

What People Say About Shelly
“Shelly Hoerer can transform ideas into reality! She brings structure, procedures evidence-based practices and effective, authentic school improvement to schools and students who desperately need great schools! Shelly is a change agent!
What do schools have to say?
100% of Administrators and Their Team Agree That Working With Shelly Hoerer...
Increased Capacity
Increased their school’s capacity and skill to create a MTSS Academic Framework
Increased Teamwork
Increased the internal capacity and teamwork in the k-12 School Improvement Process
Increased Ability
Increased our ability to focus and be deliberate in including local culture in school improvement efforts.