Strategic Planning
The Right Planning Can Change an Organization
I have witnessed firsthand the impact of bringing stakeholders together to define WHY, HOW and WHAT!
WHY do we exist, HOW will we accomplish our goals, and WHAT will we need to do to make our goals a reality?

Data Compiling & Analyzing
What does data driven decision making really look like? Many schools are rich in data but poor in compiling and analyzing. School, teacher and student data are like a snap chat story. It is small increments of time that are captured to help tell a larger story. These pieces of data do not define a school, teacher or students, data instead allow us to change, adapt and refine and plan our future stories. Shelly will help you create a system for determining what is relevant data, how can we identify patterns, trends, strengths, weaknesses. How it can be complied the data in a friendly and useful way for teachers? How can we use data to impact district, school, and classroom decisions

Culture - Cultural Relevance
Many students in schools come from low socio-economic backgrounds. Their backgrounds often include generation trauma along with their own trauma. What does cultural relevance really mean? What does trauma sensitive mean? What does it mean for your school and students? We will work together to create frameworks that work for your schools, students, and communities to bring real authentic cultural relevance into every aspect of your school.

Multi-Tiered System of Support - Academic (MTSS)
Planning to unlock the full potential of all students by meeting them where they are at! By strategically planning and placing supports in the academic structure schools can help all students achieve!
Has your school attended MTSS trainings just to find it almost impossible to implement your ideas? Shelly is an expert in helping you step by step with implementation! We will create a framework unique to their needs and students.
The tiers consist of
- Tier 1 – Universal Instruction
- Tier 2 – Targeted Interventions
- Tier 3 – Intensive interventions
“Shelly’s data knowledge and organization has made my job as a school data coordinator so much better!”
Paula Keplin

Multi-Tiered System of Support - Behavior (MTSS)
MTSS behavior is an extension of the MTSS framework that focuses on students’ behaviors and social emotional needs. Have you ever attended an MTSS meeting and thought this is something we need in our school? Have you had difficulties taking your thoughts and putting them into action? Shelly will work with you to make your thoughts a reality! Together we can create systems ensuring some of your most at-risk students can obtain success at school!

Portrait of Graduate
How can we identify if a student is ready for the world beyond k-12 education? What does student success really mean? Do students have the skills to not only to survive but thrive in an ever-changing world? Shelly will help your team of stakeholders identify characteristics and skills your community believes to be essential for students successful beyond school. The team will learn how to identify and assess these skills for students.

Professional Development
Where do you need to grow? Where does your staff need to grow? Do you choose professional development for your teachers based on the newest educational key phrases or is it based on data and data driven decisions? Shelly will help you become laser focused on what educators and staff need to help them become the best practitioners they can! Along with identifying focus, Shelly will help your team plan out a calendar for professional development, so it is never a one and done event.
“With Shelly’s guidance, patience, positive attitude and growth mindset, we successfully brought our academic scores to pre pandemic highs and set policies and procedures in place to continue to grow academically.”
Renae Thomas
Academic Coach
Increased Capacity
Increased their school’s capacity and skill to create a MTSS Behavior Framework
100% of Administrators and Their Team Agree That Working With Shelly Hoerer...
Helps to Create
Helped us create a user-friendly data collection and analysis system